Friday, September 11, 2009

The Gem Show

Today me, Dewy, Annuh, Kip, Anessa, Aryie, and NaTasha went to a Gem Show. The show wasn't very far from our house. One of the turns on the way there was terrible! There was always traffic one way or both!! There were lots and lots of jewelry at the Gem Show like diamonds, gems, gold, and even stuff from Egypt!. They had fossils there too!! The coolest fossil was the fossilized popcorn!! They had fossilized Dinosaur brain!! We went panning for gold and Dewy found some sort of rock and a piece of gold, Annuh got two small pieces of gold, and I got a small piece of gold. Dewy got a Shark tooth necklace and picked the biggest one. We seen Denise and Willow, our friends from karate, at the show. We had a great time.


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